Can You Drink Coffee With Braces?

For many people, a steaming cup of coffee is essential to their daily routine. But, if you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment with dental braces, you might wonder if enjoying your favorite beverage is still safe. Yes, you can drink coffee with braces, but there’re some concerns and drawbacks to drinking with braces.

Although drinking coffee with braces is somewhat off-limits, doing so without care can lead to staining and other challenges in maintaining optimal oral health.

So, let’s go into further detail about why indulging in coffee while wearing braces requires caution and provide helpful tips on minimizing potential issues.

Key Takeaways

  • Drinking coffee with braces can cause staining on brackets and bands, discoloration of clear elastics, and discomfort due to sensitivity. It’s best to limit consumption or use a straw when drinking.
  • To minimize potential damage from coffee with braces, rinse your mouth with water after consuming dark-colored beverages, use whitening toothpaste, and practice good oral hygiene habits like regular brushing and flossing.
  • There are alternative options for coffee lovers who wear braces, such as herbal tea, decaf coffee (with limitations), milk-based drinks, smoothies, and water. These alternatives do not pose the same risks of staining or discomfort caused by drinking regular coffee.

Understanding The Impact Of Braces On Oral Health

Orthodontic treatment, such as dental braces, has become a standard method for correcting teeth and jaw alignment issues.

However, it is essential to understand the impact of braces on oral health and learn how to maintain good dental hygiene throughout the treatment process.

For instance, when you have braces in place – stainless steel, ceramic, or clear aligners– your teeth may become more prone to staining due to food particles getting trapped around brackets and wires.

One significant cause of tooth discoloration during orthodontic treatment is consuming dark-colored drinks like coffee, red wine, or tea, which can leave behind unsightly stains not only on the teeth but also directly on brackets or elastic bands.

To prevent these challenges from hampering your orthodontic progress and ensuring a bright smile after your treatment ends, coffee lovers with braces must follow specific guidelines while enjoying their favorite beverage.

Why Drinking Coffee With Braces Is Not Recommended

Drinking coffee with braces is not recommended due to the potential for staining brackets and bands, discoloration of clear elastics, and discomfort; read on to learn more about guidelines for drinking coffee with braces and alternative options.

Staining Of Brackets And Bands

Coffee is a popular drink for many, but it can cause braces staining. The brackets and bands of the props are susceptible to discoloration when you regularly consume dark-colored beverages like coffee.

This affects the appearance of your braces and teeth, making them more challenging to clean. Additionally, clear elastics used with clear aligners may become discolored from drinking coffee frequently.

It’s best to limit your intake of coffee when wearing braces and practice good dental hygiene habits by brushing and flossing regularly to avoid staining or discoloration.

Discoloration Of Clear Elastics

Another reason why drinking coffee with braces is not recommended is that it can discolor clear elastics. Clear elastics are fitted on ceramic braces to make them less noticeable, but they can easily become stained by dark-colored liquids, including coffee.

Limiting your intake of dark beverages or using a straw when drinking them is advisable to prevent this. Also, you should rinse your mouth with water after consuming these drinks and brush your teeth regularly with whitening toothpaste.


Wearing braces can be uncomfortable, but drinking coffee can exacerbate this issue. Hot beverages like coffee can cause sensitivity and pain in the teeth due to the pressure put on them by the brackets and wires of the braces.

In addition, if any of the brackets or bands are loose or broken, drinking hot beverages can cause further discomfort and even damage the braces. It is recommended to wait until any issues with the orthodontic appliances are resolved before indulging in a cup of joe.

To minimize discomfort while drinking coffee with braces, it’s best to drink it at room temperature rather than hot or cold. Using a straw may also help reduce sensitivity by keeping liquid away from sensitive teeth and reducing contact between hot beverages and your orthodontic appliances.

Guidelines For Drinking Coffee With Braces

To limit staining and discomfort when enjoying coffee with braces, consider using a straw for iced coffee, rinsing your mouth with water, and regular brushing and flossing.

Use A Straw For Iced Coffee

Using a straw for iced coffee is highly recommended to reduce the risk of staining your braces. Drinking through a straw helps direct the coffee toward the back of your mouth and away from your teeth and brackets.

This reduces contact time with the coffee, limiting its ability to stain. Additionally, using a straw can help avoid discomfort caused by hot or cold temperatures on sensitive teeth.

Limit Consumption

As a coffee lover, it’s understandable that there may be better options than giving up your favorite beverage altogether.

Coffee can stain teeth and orthodontic appliances like brackets and bands when consumed frequently. To reduce the impact of coffee on your dental health while undergoing orthodontic treatment, consider limiting how often you drink it.

You might enjoy a cup or two in the morning or afternoon rather than throughout the day. Also, don’t forget to rinse your mouth with water after drinking coffee or other dark-colored drinks, as this reduces staining risk significantly.

Rinse Mouth With Water

To minimize the risk of staining and acid damage from coffee with braces, rinsing your mouth with water after drinking coffer is a must. This simple step helps wash away any leftover coffee residue lingering on your teeth and brackets that can cause discoloration over time.

If you cannot brush your teeth immediately following a cup of coffee, rinsing with water is an easy way to remove any harmful particles before they can cause damage.

Consider carrying a bottle of water throughout the day so that you can always rinse after consuming drinks like coffee or tea.

Use Whitening Toothpaste

Maintaining good oral hygiene habits when you have braces, and use whitening toothpaste can effectively combat any staining caused by drinking coffee.

Look for a toothpaste specifically designed for those with orthodontic appliances, as it will contain safe ingredients and won’t damage your braces.

Moreover, brush your teeth thoroughly after every cup of coffee or other dark-colored beverage. Pay close attention to brushing around the brackets and wires, as these areas can easily trap food particles and bacteria if not properly cleaned.

Regular Brushing And Flossing

To keep your teeth and braces clean and healthy, it’s important to practice regular brushing and flossing habits. This is especially crucial when you drink coffee with braces since coffee can cause staining on the brackets and bands of the dental appliance.

To avoid this, brush your teeth using fluoride toothpaste at least twice daily. In addition to brushing, be sure to floss regularly as well.

Flossing helps remove any food particles or plaque buildup that can linger in between your teeth and around the brackets. It’s best to use waxed floss or special orthodontic floss designed for braces since it’s thinner and easier to maneuver in tight spaces.

Alternatives To Coffee With Braces

Instead of risking stains and discomfort from drinking coffee with braces, consider these alternative beverages: herbal tea, decaf coffee, milk-based drinks, smoothies, and water.

Herbal Tea

Herbal teas are a great alternative to coffee for those who wear braces. They do not contain caffeine, which can cause teeth sensitivity and discomfort in some people with braces.

Unlike dark-colored beverages like coffee or red wine, herbal tea does not stain teeth or discolor clear elastics on the brackets.

Various herbal teas are available such as chamomile, peppermint, ginger, and lemon balm. These herbs have several health benefits, from improving digestion to enhancing mood.

Drinking these hot beverages through a straw can reduce direct contact with the drink and protect your orthodontic appliances while enjoying a warm cup of tea.

Decaf Coffee

Decaf coffee is a popular alternative for coffee lovers who want to avoid the caffeine buzz. However, drinking decaf coffee with braces still comes with certain restrictions.

Decaf coffee can still cause staining and discoloration on teeth and brackets if consumed frequently or in large amounts.

While decaf may be less harmful compared to regular coffee when it comes to staining teeth or damaging orthodontic appliances like braces or clear aligners, it’s still important to practice caution when using dental devices.

Remember that moderation is key when enjoying any beverage while undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Milk-Based Drinks

Milk-based drinks may be a great alternative to traditional coffee if you’re a coffee lover with braces. Steamed milk makes lattes, cappuccinos, and mochas, which can help reduce the risk of staining on the brackets and bands of your orthodontic appliances.

However, even milk-based drinks should be moderated when wearing braces. Limiting consumption or always using a straw as mentioned earlier when drinking any beverage that could stain or discolor orthodontic materials is recommended.


Smoothies are a great alternative to coffee for those with braces. They offer the same energy boost without the risk of staining or damaging your dental appliances.

Avoid adding sticky or hard ingredients that could damage brackets or bands to make smoothies with braces.

For added flavor, consider using softer fruits like bananas, berries, yogurt, or milk. You can also add protein powder, honey, and ice as desired. Drinking smoothies through a straw is strongly recommended to keep them away from the front teeth, where they can cause discoloration.


Drinking water is one of the best ways to keep your mouth clean and healthy while wearing braces. Not only does it help rinse away food particles, but it can also reduce your chances of staining and discoloration.

In addition to drinking water regularly, you should rinse your mouth with water after consuming coffee or other dark-colored drinks. This will help wash away any residue that could cause stains or damage to your braces.

Can I Drink Hot Chocolate With Braces?

While hot chocolate may not pose as much risk for staining as coffee, avoiding dark-colored beverages while wearing braces is still best.

Hot chocolate contains sugar and can promote bacterial growth that can cause decay or damage orthodontic brackets.

Limiting your intake of sugary drinks during orthodontic treatment is recommended to maintain good oral hygiene. However, if you cannot resist a cup of hot cocoa, use a straw to direct the drink toward the back of your mouth and rinse with water afterward.

What Other Drinks Should I Avoid With Braces?

While coffee is a popular beverage that should be consumed cautiously when wearing braces, it’s not the only one. Other drinks to avoid include dark tea and red wine, as they can also stain teeth and orthodontic braces.

It’s important to remember that maintaining good oral hygiene habits during orthodontic treatment is critical for achieving optimum results. This means avoiding sugary or acidic beverages whenever possible or minimizing their consumption if you indulge.

Instead, consider alternative options like herbal tea, milk-based drinks, smoothies, or water to quench your thirst while protecting your dental health.

Can I Drink Alcohol With Braces?

It is generally advised to avoid drinking alcohol with braces. Alcohol can cause dehydration, which can reduce saliva production in the mouth and lead to dryness. This dryness can create an environment more conducive to bacterial growth and plaque formation around braces, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

While it may be tempting to indulge in a cocktail or two during social events or celebrations, it is important to prioritize good oral hygiene habits when wearing braces.

If you do choose to drink alcohol while undergoing orthodontic treatment, make sure to rinse your mouth with water afterward and brush your teeth thoroughly before going to bed.

Conclusion: Enjoying Beverages With Braces

Drinking coffee with braces is not recommended due to the risk of staining and discomfort. But there are still ways to enjoy a cup or two.

Using a straw for iced coffee, limiting consumption, rinsing the mouth with water after drinking, and maintaining good oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing regularly can reduce the impact on orthodontic treatment.

Alternative beverages like herbal tea or milk-based drinks can satisfy your cravings without harming your braces.